Relief from: asthma, hay fever, allergic rhinitis, snoring, insomnia… But before we get into all this, you should know that learning the Buteyko Method, first and foremost, will bring you the following benefit:


But why should you even care about your breathing pattern? There’s nothing complicated about breathing; it’s just a natural physiological activity, isn’t it? Surely, your body has it all figured out already, right?


NOT REALLY! As it turns out, very often, due to chronic stress and heavy pressures imposed by the modern lifestyle, our bodies can develop really bad habits, such as breathing in a completely inefficient and even harmful way.


How often do you pay attention to how you breathe during the day? Or at night? That one could be tricky, right? Do you breathe through your nose or your mouth? Do you frequently yawn or sigh? Can you hear your breathing during rest? Do you breathe with your belly or with your chest? Do you even care?


If you don’t care, let me tell you this – you definitely should. If you notice one or more of the following traits in your breathing, it might indicate that your breathing pattern is incorrect, and that could be precisely the reason for the presence of your chronic disease (such as asthma or rhinitis), or, if it’s not, it might lead to one appearing in the future!

Signs of an incorrect breathing pattern:

If you do notice any of these traits, and OF COURSE if you care about your health, this alone should be convincing enough for you to take action. The Buteyko Method breathing sessions offered by Marmi Breath will help you understand what exactly is wrong with your breathing, and how you can improve it in order to be able to enjoy a long and happy life. Investing in just ONE session can bring you fantastic results. You won’t believe what you will be able to achieve with just learning how to BREATHE well!

In relation to the improved breathing pattern, the Buteyko Method is proven to bring the following health benefits:

Reduction of asthma symptoms

The Buteyko Method breathing exercises taught at Marmi Breath have been extensively studied with a primary emphasis on alleviation of asthma symptoms. There currently exist many clinical trials showing positive results of the Buteyko breathing for asthma patients. 


Several clinical trials have consistently demonstrated the favorable effects of Buteyko breathing exercises for asthma patients. Notably, the 1995 Mater Hospital Trials conducted in Brisbane, Australia highlighted significant findings regarding the Buteyko Method’s impact:


  • 70% less coughing and wheezing
  • 90% less need for rescue medication
  • 49% less need for preventer steroid medication

Relief from chronic rhinitis and allergic rhinitis / hay fever

According to World Allergy Organization, between 10-30% of the adult general population and up to 40% of children in the United States suffer from allergic rhinitis, making it the 5th most common chronic disease. In many cases it leads to development of dysfunctional breathing patterns (e.g. inability to breathe through the nose) which are likely to cause detrimental outcomes in the long-term.


Chronic rhinitis has been a continuous part of Marta’s journey, leading her to explore diverse solutions like medical treatments, lifestyle modifications, and alternative practices. Learning the Buteyko Method was the game-changer that finally brought her the results she was looking for. She is now an expert in controlling any arising symptoms of rhinitis through the use of the right breathing techniques, and is committed to sharing her first-hand experience with others in a similar situation.


During your breath training with Marta, you will be able to learn how to effectively decongest your stuffed nose and how to minimize the symptoms of rhinitis in a completely natural way. On top of that, you will be able to improve your breathing pattern which is likely to prevent the onset of rhinitis.

Alleviation of stress and anxiety

How we breathe every day has a tremendous impact on how we feel and how much stress and anxiety we are experiencing. That is why it’s very important to look at breathing as a key part of managing stress.


When practicing the Buteyko Method with Marta, you will focus on parasympathetic nervous system activation, which will bring a sense of calmness and relaxation to your mind. We will also work on preventing overbreathing which is a major contributor to anxiety and panic attacks.


Through this, you will not only feel relief from anxiety, but also will be able to concentrate better on any task at hand and get rid of those unbearable racing thoughts. You will gain resilience and an enhanced ability to deal with stressful situations which will inevitably lead to a better quality of your life.

Improved sleep

Are you aware that the quality of your sleep is very closely related to how you breathe? If your breathing pattern is less than optimal, then no wonder it’s hard for you to get a good night sleep, even if you are resting for hours and hours. 


If you snore, struggle with insomnia, or suffer from sleep apnea, the breathing exercises taught at Marmi Breath will help significantly reduce your symptoms thanks to the restoration of a functional breathing pattern.


The above-mentioned conditions also impose significant stress on both body and mind. During the sessions with Marta, you will learn the techniques that will help alleviate this stress and bring balance to the functioning of your nervous system. You will finally say goodbye to fatigue, start waking up feeling refreshed, as well as enjoy better focus throughout the day.

Optimized athletic performance

The breathing techniques taught by Marta at Marmi Breath offer practical benefits by enhancing the OXYGEN uptake and its efficient distribution to vital areas like the brain and the muscles, culminating in an overall enhancement of athletic performance. 


You will be able to experience increased endurance, sharper focus, improved posture, reduction of breathlessness, and enhanced mobility. And if you suffer from asthma, learning how to breathe functionally will likely alleviate the bronchoconstriction / exercise-induced asthma.


Finally, the incorporation of breath-holding exercises simulates the high-altitude conditions. This will prompt your body to adapt naturally, giving you a significant EDGE when engaging in physical activities at lower altitudes, especially if you have aspirations like mountain climbing, as it will prepare your body for the challenges of high altitudes.

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