The Buteyko Method

Often overlooked in traditional medicine, breath possesses remarkable potential as both a healing tool and a preventive measure against numerous diseases. This timeless wisdom was understood by ancient civilizations, and even today, various breathwork techniques are used to deal with difficult emotions, process trauma or simply to relax and unwind.


However, you are not even close to discovering the true power of breath if you haven’t tried the Buteyko Method, which we proudly teach here at Marmi Breath. This breathing technique can bring unbelievable results to those who learn it and commit to the practice. Developed less than a century ago in the Soviet Union by the Medical Doctor, Prof. Konstantin Buteyko, this method still remains a relatively hidden gem in the Western world. It’s a genuine shame because countless individuals worldwide could find relief and improved well-being through the use of this NATURAL tool. Rigorously supported by scientific research, this method has shown incredible promise in addressing various health challenges.

Curious what you can achieve with the buteyko method?

The Buteyko Method, a distinctive approach to breath training, stands apart from other breathwork styles due to its fundamental focus on correcting chronic overbreathing. Unlike many other techniques, this method concentrates on rectifying poor breathing patterns as a means to enhance well-being.


When creating his method, Prof. Buteyko observed that generally people who are sick are chronically overbreathing. He then developed a hypothesis that perhaps it’s not the sickness that’s causing the dysfunctional breathing, but rather the dysfunctional breathing (particularly breathing that is fast, hard and labored) is potentially triggering the sickness. His main goal was to help his patients regain their health and vitality by teaching them how to breathe in a functional way, in harmony with the body’s metabolical needs.


Central to the Buteyko approach is making the breathing quiet – almost unnoticeable, gentle, calm and regular. Imagine a healthy baby breathing – we want to reverse the damage accumulated from years of stress and trauma, and return to that natural state of soft and gentle respiration.


The main principles of the Buteyko breathing are then:

Breathing Less

To correct the habit of overbreathing, the Buteyko Method exercises involve taking in less air, softening the breath, as well as holding the breath to achieve a feeling of air hunger.


The biochemical aspect is really important here. The air hunger sensation arises not from depriving the body of oxygen, but it’s due to increasing levels of carbon dioxide in your blood. And carbon dioxide is not just a waste gas – it regulates the blood’s pH and allows the oxygen in the blood cells to actually go into the tissues thanks to what’s called the Bohr effect.


Modern science explains that the body’s sensitivity to carbon dioxide plays a huge role in dysfunctional breathing. When we are overly sensitive to carbon dioxide, we tend to breathe faster and harder. That does not contribute to us getting more oxygen AT ALL – in fact, it’s harmful.


That’s why it is crucial to decrease the body’s chemosensitivity to carbon dioxide through learning how to breathe LESS.

Nasal Breathing

Contrary to common misconceptions, breathing through the mouth is not natural. The only time mouth breathing could be considered normal is during intense physical activity. However, even in those situations, we can train ourselves to use only our nose for breathing.


Habitual mouth breathing is linked to various health issues. These range from obstructive sleep apnea and snoring to disruption of the proper growth of the teeth and craniofacial structures.


Nasal breathing is the only natural mode of respiration. It performs at least different 30 functions on behalf of the body, including filtering and conditioning the air before it reaches the lungs, preventing dehydration, regulating bloodflow and being the first line of defense against airborne pathogens.


That being said, the Buteyko Method exercises involve nasal inhalation and exhalation exclusively.

Slow Breathing

Many of the Buteyko Method breathing exercises focus on slow exhalation, which yields numerous benefits.


First of all, it prevents overbreathing because it allows us to reduce our respiratory rate (number of breaths taken per minute). It also brings balance to the functioning of our nervous system through vagus nerve stimulation.


In today’s fast-paced society, it is crucial to find ways to down-regulate. And deliberate slow breathing has been supported by many scientific studies as a simple and effective way to calm down, as well as to improve both mental and physical resilience.

Diaphragmatic Breathing

The diaphragm, situated just below the lungs, is the primary respiratory muscle. Breathing from the diaphragm brings about several crucial outcomes, such as drawing air deep into the lungs & improving gas exchange, alleviating stress, enhancing cognitive functions, and more.


Unfortunately, for many people, the diaphragmatic breathing is not the default mode of breathing. For various reasons, some may encounter significant difficulty in engaging the diaphragm during respiration.


That’s why one of the main focuses of the Buteyko Method exercises is to strengthen the mind-body connection. This, in turn, will allow you to grasp the art of diaphragmatic breathing and get access to the benefits that it offers.

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